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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kentucky Fried Chicken?

KFC is probably the best restaurant of all time. They have many deluxe choices. It may not be the most healthy, but I would still rate it 10 out of 10. My favorite food there is their meal combo.


  1. I dislike KFC because mashed potatoes dripped from the light fixture on to my food.

  2. KFC is my favorite because it stands for Kurt Fosters Chicken.

  3. I dislike almost all fast-food restaurants. When you can eat delectable home-made food 100 percent of the time, it's way better.

  4. Ok. You can call me sad and say my life is empty, because it probably is. But the truth is, I have never gone to KFC. And I probably never will. Its just freaking chicken!!!! I eat chicken all the time, which is sad because I could say that chicken is one of my least favorite meats!!!

    I'm sorry for complaining, and if you repost this on 200000 other blogs, you may or may not win a t-shirt. Have a good day!
